Disrupting by digitally designing places in 3D in ‘Real Time’.

Blending market leading place strategy/planning skills and latest technology.

The community become integral to the design process and planning.

Our unique method and intelligent use of technology enables the creation of beautiful, viable and sustainable places.


What we do

PlaceQ enables the design and planning of schemes in three dimensions from the outset through the planning process to delivery and stewardship.

We deliver time savings and generate value by blending market leading place strategy and planning skills with the latest technology and gaming software.

PlaceQ’s digital project and place formulation service generates value for landowners, developers, registered landlords, public sector bodies and communities alike.

We work with like-minded design and engineering professionals in digitising the scheme formulation process – feasibility, masterplanning, planning -and beyond to scheme delivery and into place stewardship.

Integrated Financial + BIM Models

We couple the scheme digital model to a financial model to allow real time awareness of commercial metrics as scheme changes and evolves.

The technology is fully integrated with and supported by BIM digital methodology and software.

We have developed a working method that enables true inter-professional digital working in real- time and which efficiently uses professional inputs to ensure creative design and problem solving.

This reduces the time taken to produce a masterplan by up to 50%, bringing real benefits in cost saving, transparency, flexibility and adaptability.

A Digital Twin

Our working method enables the creation (in real-time) of a digital twin of the ‘new’ or regenerated place that demonstrates viability, social value benefits and environmental implications in an open and transparent way- through linked models.

Adjustments and changes in response to external influences are easily made and understood.

Our approach permits complete control, clarity, transparency and understanding at all stages and delivers a digital record of all decisions made- why and when.

Our method of real-time working using technology allows deep and meaningful stakeholder and community engagement, collaboration with decision makers, politicians and planners and provides a powerful method of attracting investors and occupiers.

team working

What we deliver

We are adept and clearly defining the requirements of a project – the required outputs and outcomes – commercial economics, social and environmental

We use our digital working methods to facilitated meaningful engagement at all stages of the scheme creation, planning and implementation stages.

We harvest digital data and align data sets to inform planning, design and engineering solutions.

We lead, coordinate and facilitate the inter-disciplinary working of the professional team to establish vision, set strategy and build a digital twin through bespoke real time working.

We build an interface with a bespoke financial model that ensures real time understanding of the commercial impacts of all actions proposed allowing immediate commercial judgement and decisions to be made.

We can build an interface with environmental and social value models to enable the understanding to the ESG implications of each and every action.

We transform community and stakeholder consultation through a real time work- shopping process ensuring more effective and meaningful engagement throughout.

We lead real time dialogue with the planning authority offices from pre- application stages to speed the planning process, remove the risk of misunderstanding and ensure an alignment of interests as soon as possible to deliver the optimum planning permission.

We are expert at engaging with funding institutions whether in securing debt or equity investment, or indeed public funding.

Our approach is highly effective in engaging with both public and private funding bodies by our ability to effectively demonstrate the benefits of the scheme aligned to the funding requirements.


Scheme Feasibility Analysis

Using our technology and process we rapid assess issues of scheme feasibility and deliverability to point the direction for a project and set it up for effective delivery

Team assembly

Place making schemes require inter-disciplinary working. As we operate in real time in 3d and with the latest gaming technology it is essential to build teams with the required working methods and capabilities. We assemble and brief these consultancy teams and lead them.


Our technology, process and skill- set has been created to build place strategies and masterplans that are supported, viable and deliverable. We take the traditional approach and ‘concertina’ it without short-circuiting the key stages- optioneering, the required engagement processes or erosion of design flair. Indeed, the opposite we enable deign flair and expression and we enable full and inspiring engagement.

Interactive viability testing

We work in real time throughout and that includes viability testing. We build and interactive financial model to our clients requirements linked directly to the scheme model- digital twin that reflects in real time scheme changes and adjustments.

Stakeholder engagement

We make community and stakeholder engagement interactive in real time. We model the consequences of alterative moves or interventions as proposed and demonstrate the implications – in real time- gradually building support and creating the optimum solution for a place.

Town Planning process

Planning is an engagement and negotiation process. To do this most effectively open and transparent communication is best. We use our place model / digital twin as the basis for pre- app discussion, application formulation- including EIA – and post application negotiation. It sits at the heart of both the application and the process.
Scheme phasing

With our model we can easily test alternative phasing and delivery scenarios to meet client requirements.

Finance and Funding

The final model/ twin and linked financial model is the vehicle that can illustrate the scheme to funders and indeed occupiers, demonstrate viability and delivery and which can entice investment

PlaceQ changes project trajectory
PlaceQ changes project trajectory

Who we work with

team working

Our People

Senior Advisor

Gerry Hughes

+44 (0)7831277672

Managing Director

Damian Fennell

+44 (0)7590 183458


Dan Harper